Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wild Bunch

On a walk with Samba Saturday, I found some wild flowers in a field near our house. I didn't have my camera, so I picked a few sprigs to carry home with the purpose of identifying them. I felt a little guilty about picking them, but the field is not in a nature preserve or park and is mowed regularly. I rationalized they would probably be mowed down in a week or two anyway. I made a bouquet from them when we got home and have been surprised by how well they have fared. I didn't expect them to last more than a day, but they have gone for nearly a week. The center flower in this image is chicory.

I turned to my copy of Edgar Denison's Missouri Wildflowers, which sufficed to identify the brown-eyed susans and chicory, but wasn't much help with the other two. Naturally, I consulted the fount of all knowledge (Google) and found, a terrific website. This enabled me to identify the remaining flowers: yellow ironweed and wild blue sage, which I particularly like.

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